ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, India Vs Pakistan: Tarot Predicts Who'll Win This Pivotal Match
To clear the clouds on the future of this match, I picked up my trusty Tarot deck and predicted who has a better chance of winning this Men’s World Cup match between India and Pakistan.

ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 has every legit fan on the edge of their seats. But there is no such high as an India Vs Pakistan match for a desi cricket fan. All stakes aside, whenever and wherever India meets neighbouring Pakistan on the field fans fill up the stadiums to the brim.
For this ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 match, too, people are ready to shout at their screens and dance in the stadiums as India is set to face Pakistan on Saturday, October 14. Indian cricket fans are looking forward to the match since the last time India faced Pakistan for the Asia Cup, they proved who was boss and won the match by 228 runs.
Also read: ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, India Vs Pakistan: Tarot Predicts Who'll Win This Pivotal Match
This time around the match could prove pivotal if Pakistan hits the stump in their match with Sri Lanka or India loses to Afghanistan (likely not, given my last tarot prediction).
To clear the clouds on the future of this match, I picked up my trusty tarot deck and predicted who has a better chance of winning this ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 match between India and Pakistan.
Also read: ICC Cricket World Cup 2023, India Vs Afghanistan: What Had Tarot Predicted?
What Are Pakistan’s Chances Of Winning?
Pakistan is starting the match with a grounded confidence in their team. The King of Pentacles shows someone who is established and self-assured. This card in combination with the Six of Wands is a big indicator that the scales might tip towards Pakistan, at least in the beginning of the match.
Sejal Jakhwal
However, later in the game, this confidence takes a serious hit with the Five of Swords and the Eight of Wands. The first card can signify a defeat or even surrender though this state is reversed by the Eight of Wands which stands for movement and progress. But with these two cards together, the team seems to be hasty in their decisions which could very well lead to a slip-up later in the game.
With the Seven of Pentacles and Five of Cups, a regretful end to the game seems likely for the Pakistani team.
(Look out: If Pakistan bowls first, they have a higher chance of losing the match.)
What Are India’s Chances Of Winning?
Team India seems to be focused on creating a balance throughout the match. At the beginning of the game, the team can lose their handle on the reigns which is why balancing the scales takes priority.
Sejal Jakhwal
With the Justice card and the King of Wands out, at the beginning of the match, the team is focused on damage control. That said, the King does signify that the team will likely manage just fine.
In the later part of the match, the team will pull their socks up and get things back on track. As shown in the World card and the High Priestess card in the spread. India will reclaim the upper hand on the competitors.
This will likely be a team effort, given that the Three of Pentacles is out along with the Page of Pentacles. India has a high chance of winning the match.
Disclaimer: These tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only.
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